Friday, January 30, 2009

Thoughts on That Thing You Do

That Thing You Do

1. This movie is better than I remember. Chances are I rented it when it first came out, but since then I've really only seen it as weekend filler on VH1 ("movies that rock!").

2. Did I know that Tom Hanks wrote this movie? That's impressive. This is his FIRST movie as a writer. Even more impressive.

3. Steve Zahn looks really young.

4. Remember when this movie came out, and for a hot second everyone thought that Tom Everett Scott was Tom Hanks' son? I can see that. Curly hair, pronounced nose, similar mannerisms. I'm just saying, it's not so far-fetched.

5. Sidenote: I think I just heard someone shouting at a baby.

6. This movie was definitely written by Tom Hanks. And he gave all the good lines to Steve Zahn.
Example: "A man in a really nice camper wants to put our song on the radio. I'm signing!"

7. The heckler at the talent show is Neil from Lost. Here's what I know about this man: He played an annoying heckler in 1996, and he played an annoying complainer in 2009. Apparently, his name is Sean Whalen.

8. Faye's big speech after the TV show is too scripted. Seriously. Who has the presence of mind to say something like that when they're in the middle of a big fight with their boyfriend? I feel like the rest of the movie rings pretty true, but that part stinks.

9. When you think about it, Guy and Faye's romance really comes out of nowhere in terms of what they show on screen. They're doing the state fair circuit for a while when they get whisked away to Los Angeles. Guy takes care of sick Faye on the plane. One or two days later, Guy, Faye and Ethan Embry are left in the coffee shop after Jimmy storms off. About two days later they're kissing, the movie ends, and they're married. We have to assume that an awful lot of bonding happened on the road.

And if all that bonding was happening, maybe Jimmy had every right to be pissed about being labeled as engaged. Think about it: here's this girl who basically wants to jump the new drummer who ruined his ballad by turning it into a cheap dance single, and now she's telling everyone they're engaged. I might be pissed.

10. You know how movies sometimes give you a little synopsis of what each character did after the movie ended? I feel like this one was awfully detailed for fictional characters.